Tag Archives: QuickBooks update error 12029

QuickBooks Error 12029 – Causes, Symptoms, And Resolution

QuickBooks error 12029 is a common error in the program, which occurs when a user tries to download updates for payroll or the program itself. This error mainly occurs due to a network timeout during the update process. However, it is not the sole responsible factor, but multiple other factors can bring forth this error as well. 

If you are facing this issue and are not sure what has caused the error message to show up, this post can be really helpful. Here, you can find the causes, symptoms, and the best troubleshooting solutions that can be implemented for error resolution. Let’s start! 

QuickBooks Error Message 12029 – What Does It Mean? 

QuickBooks Desktop error message 12029 can show up on your screen when you try to download payroll updates for QuickBooks. The error message includes a warning message along with the error code:

[Error 12029]. QuickBooks is failed to receive the IP address or servers.

When the back-end servers fail to revert the program within the allotted time, you can get this message with QuickBooks error code 12029. Sometimes, your Firewall or Internet security application can also interfere with the update process for some security reasons. Listing those potential issues and troubleshooting them with the relevant solution is your only way out of this erroneous situation.

Read Also:- How To Resolved QuickBooks error 15276

Why Updating QuickBooks Is Crucial?

Every application needs to be updated on a regular interval, and the same is the case with QuickBooks as well. Updating an application resolves the existing issues in its code base, addresses the known issues, and improves the existing features. Updating QuickBooks means you are working with the most error-free version of the program. Thus, you can reap the potential of the program to its full capability.

On the other hand, updating your payroll service in QuickBooks ensures that your payroll operations remain in compliance. Updating payroll lets you use the most up-to-date and accurate rates and computations to manage your state and federal taxes. However, if it is not updated, you can experience multi-faceted payroll errors as a result of tax table modifications. Therefore, downloading the most recent payroll tax table update is crucial for your business payroll. 

Possible Reasons For QuickBooks Error 12029

Before you jump to the troubleshooting to fix QuickBooks error 12029, compiling the list of the possible reasons can help in the error resolution. Some reasons are internal, whereas some issues are external. We will list them separately in the below-given sections: 

Internal Reasons Behind QuickBooks Update Error 12029

The internal reasons behind QuickBooks error 12029 are stated in the below-given list: 

  • The inability of QuickBooks to connect to an Internet connection. 
  • A blocked server can also contribute to the error code 12029. 
  • An outdated window can also cause an error when updating QuickBooks payroll. 
  • When there are connection issues in the QuickBooks application. 
  • Network timeout when downloading updates for the payroll service or the program itself. 

These are some internal issues you need to be cautious about in order to prevent this update error in QuickBooks. 

External Factors That Can Evoke Error 12029 in QuickBooks 

Now that you have seen the internal factors causing the error check the below-given list for the external factors behind QuickBooks error 12029: 

  • Your Internet security settings or Firewall is interfering with an update process due to some security concern. 
  • When your default browser is other than the Internet Explorer. 
  • Make sure that your Internet plan is active and the connection is strong and stable. If not, you may get the error 12029. 
  • You can check your SSL settings, as incorrect SSL settings can give rise to QuickBooks payroll update error.

What Are The Symptoms of QuickBooks Payroll Update Error 12029?

QuickBooks error 12029 can be identified with its evident symptoms that it shows on arrival, listed below for you: 

  • When updating the payroll, you will receive an error message with code 12029 on your screen. 
  • You may not be able to download the updates for the QuickBooks Desktop payroll service. 
  • The payroll update section becomes inaccessible due to the error. 
  • The Windows becomes sluggish in response to the mouse or keyboard inputs. 
  • QuickBooks quits abruptly as soon as the error message shows up on your screen. 

How To Fix QuickBooks Error 12029? Easy Solutions 

In the above sections, we have covered the possible reasons and symptoms for QuickBooks error code 12029. The possible causes help users determine the right course of action to fix the error. The symptoms show that the error has actually arrived, and you need to troubleshoot with the relevant solutions. Now, we are going to explain the right solutions for you to implement in order to resolve the error. Here we go: 

Solution 1: Make Sure That Your Internet Connectivity is Stable 

In the first place, you need to make sure that your Internet connectivity is intact, which is crucial for updating the QuickBooks Desktop payroll service. Implement the below-given steps: 

  • Launch Internet Explorer, which should be your default browser to run QuickBooks processes.
  • When on the browser, try to access a safe website by entering the URL in the search box, such as www.google.com.
  • If you are able to open it, move to the next step. 
  • If not, go to your Internet connection settings and make sure that it is properly configured. 
  • Firstly, you need to check and confirm that the date and time are correct on your system. 
  • Thereafter, back to Internet Explorer again, click Tools, and select Internet Options. 
  • Now, click the Reset/Restore Defaults option located underneath the Advanced tab. 
  • Once done, click the Apply button followed by the OK button.

After implementing these steps, try to run an update for QuickBooks Desktop or payroll to check if it completes without getting any error. If the result is the opposite, move to the next troubleshooting solution. 

Solution 2: Prevent Firewall From Obstructing QuickBooks 

Sometimes, your Windows Firewall or Internet security applications can consider a new update from a third-party application as a threat to the security. In such a case, you need to set a new rule to enable the QuickBooks connection to perform the task. Below is how you save the process from being hindered by the Firewall: 

  • Click the Start button, and when in the Search Programs and Files search box, type Windows Firewall.
  • When the Windows Firewall appears in the search results, click on it to open it. 
  • Now, from under the Advanced settings, right-click on Inbound Rules and click New Rule. 
  • Here, click the next button underneath Programs, and select This Program Path option. 
  • After that, select the QuickBooks file location and hit the Next option. 
  • Moving ahead, choose Allow the Connection followed by clicking the Next button. 
  • Now, you need to mark all the checkboxes and click Next again. 
  • Here, you can type the name for this rule and click Finish to conclude this procedure. 
  • After setting up the Inbound rules, you can set the outbound rules. 
  • Select Outbound and perform all the steps you have used in setting the Inbound rule. 

After setting up both the Inbound and Outbound rules, you can try updating QuickBooks Payroll to the latest release available. If you are still getting this QuickBooks update error 12029, check if the next solution can work. 

Solution 3: Configure Your Internet Connections To Fix The Error

If your QuickBooks is unable to communicate to the update server due to a faulty configuration, you need to update your internet connection settings to resolve the error code 12029. Follow the below-given steps: 

  • Open Internet Explorer, go to the Internet Options, and select Tools located underneath it.
  • Now, from under the General tab, click Delete, and select Temporary Internet Files. 
  • Hit the Delete button again to proceed further. 
  • Now, moving down the Connections tab, click LAN Settings.
  • Here, you need to examine that the Automatically Detect Settings checkbox is already marked. If not, you need to mark it before moving ahead.
  • Also, confirm that the Proxy Servers field is blank and click OK once confirmed.
  • Thereafter, click the Advanced tab, and here, make sure that the boxes for SSL 2.0 & SSL 3.0 are check marked.
  • Moving down, verify that the check boxes for TLS 1.2 and TLS1.0 are marked. 
  • Contrarily, the check box for TLS 1.1 should be blank.

After configuring your browser with these connectivity settings, you can move ahead to download the latest payroll updates for the QuickBooks accounting software. However, if some other factor is preventing you from updating QuickBooks, thereby resulting in QuickBooks Desktop update error 12029, jump to the next troubleshooting solution. 

Solution 4: Exclude QuickBooks From The Scan List of Third-Party Antivirus Applications

There are many third-party security applications installed on your device, such as antivirus, ad blockers, anti-spyware and several others. These applications can block the QuickBooks update process due to security reasons. In such a case, you need to exclude QuickBooks from their blocked list one by one. On getting any technical unease while performing the steps specific to your Internet security application, you may avail of an expert’s assistance. 

Here is an instance of excluding QuickBooks from the block list of AVG antivirus: 

  • First things first, you need to quit the QuickBooks application. 
  • Thereafter, open the AVG antivirus program to move ahead. 
  • From within the security application, double-click on Resident Shield and select Manage Exceptions. 
  • Moving ahead, click Add Path and then enter C:\Program Files\Intuit in the specified area. 
  • Once done, click OK and then Save Changes to confirm the changes you have made. 

Your AVG antivirus will no more block QuickBooks from downloading the latest payroll updates. Besides, if it is the possible reason behind the QuickBooks error 12029, you will get rid of it with the right execution of the procedure. 

Solution 5: Install/Update Your QuickBooks Security Certificate 

The security certificate of an application indicates that the application is legit. Besides, it requires the users to have a valid security certificate in order to download the updates from the update server.

Similarly, to download the updates from the server, you need to make sure that you have the most up-to-date QuickBooks Security Certificate to eliminate the QuickBooks Desktop update error 12029. Below are the steps for you: 

  • On your Desktop, locate and right-click on the QuickBooks Desktop icon.
  • When a drop-down list appears, click the Properties option. 
  • Here, from under the Shortcut tab, click Open File Location option and click OK.
  • Moving ahead, right-click the QuickBooks application’s executable (.EXE) file and click Properties.
  • Now select QuickBooks from the list located underneath the Digital Signatures tab and click Details. 
  • Under the General tab, click View Certificate, followed by clicking Install Certificate. 
  • Now, under the Certificate Import Wizard window, you need to set the Current User as the Store Location and click the Next button once done. 
  • Moving ahead, click the Next button and then Finish to conclude this procedure. 
  • Finally, click OK when the import success window appears. 

Once done, try updating QuickBooks to check if the QuickBooks error code 12029 is resolved or not.

Solution 6: Run Windows in Safe Mode 

Running Windows in Safe Mode can prevent the update process from being hindered by the applications running in the background. Thus, you can resolve the QuickBooks update error by following the below-given steps: 

  • Press Windows + I keys together on your keyboard. 
  • When on the Update and Security option, you need to click the same to move ahead.
  • Thereafter, click the Recovery option and go to Advanced Startup. 
  • Follow the on-screen prompts with the utmost attention and reboot your system. 
  • While restarting your computer, click the F8 keys repeatedly until the Safe mode with networking option shows up. 

Finally, check the status of the QuickBooks Payroll update error 12029.

Read Also:- How To Resolve QuickBooks Error 15103 

Winding Up!

If you are experiencing QuickBooks error 12029 when downloading the latest payroll updates for QuickBooks, then this post can be really helpful for you. You are here, which means you have already tried the solutions discussed in this post for the error resolution. However, if you find it difficult to implement the described solutions, our professional assistance is just a call away. Feel free to connect with an expert, describe your issues, and get QuickBooks error code 12029 fixed immediately.